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Новости Perfect World Конкурс "Новогодняя елка" 4 sakrol
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Форум » Perfect World » Боты, скрипты и прочий софт для Perfect World » Бот MHS-Bot-PW 2.3 (Самый лёгкий бот для начинаюших)
Бот MHS-Bot-PW 2.3 (Самый лёгкий бот для начинаюших)
sakrolДата: Четверг, 06.01.2011, 00:51 | Сообщение # 1
Подполковник [5 ранг]
Группа: Администратор
Сообщений: 320

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Про бота:

Умеет делать все необходимое для автокача, бить мобье, поднимать лут, восстанавливаться...
... А ТАКЖЕ :
- Пить бутылки.
- Атаковать только нужных нам мобов.
- Взлетать в критической ситуации, дабы спасти от смерти перса.
- Чередовать разные виды оружия.
- Настраивается на 4 страны: BRASILIA, MYEN, RUSSIA, INDONESIA.
- работает сутками.
За счет того что моб-лист задается принудительно, не тратятся лишние процессорные ресурсы для построения и отсева списка мобов, что критично на очень медленных компах и ноутах.
В настройке легок, все просто и понятно.
Что еще понравилось, так это возможность менять все настройки "на лету", во время работы бота, не надо жать stop-save-start...

Скачайте MHS-Bot-PW 2.3: ТУТ
Пароль от архива: 13846

Для начала скопировать все из архива в папку Perfect World\element

Запускаем программу ntKid[MHS-RETRIEVER] (Данная программа поможет вам создать Custom_OffSets.ini для запущенного в данный момент elementclient.exe для использования с MHS)
Что нужно:

1-Распаковываем архив
2-Тащим ntKid[MHS-RETRIEVER] рядом с нашим MHS (или другим ботом)
3-Запускаем игру до объявления
4-Запускаем ntKid[MHS-RETRIEVER]
5-Нажимаем Generate MHS offset file (генерируется Custom_OffSets.ini)
6-Запускаем MHS (или любой другой бот)


1. Запускаем клиент игры, заходим на своего персонажа.

2. Запускаем бота (синий шарик с названием MHS-Bot-PW 2.3 With Country Memory Customizer (Source Code).exe)

3. В самом верху появившегося окошка есть кнопка Skills - давим туда
Если вы хотите чтобы ваш бот бился с мобами без использования скиллов, а только обычной атакой, тогда Key присваиваем ту кнопку на которую у вас атака (F1 по умолчанию), а задержку ставим 1
Если хотите использовать скиллы - жмём кнопку Add и далее появившемуся Key присваиваем ту кнопку, на которую у вас скилл, ну а задержку для каждого скилла вы посмотрите в игре (Alt+R)
Для удаления лишнего скила из бота служит кнопка Remove
Далее жмём Save.

4. Далее очистим список мобов кнопкой Reset Mob-List.спизжено с pw-darktower.ru

5. Далее давим Auto-Pot/Rest.
В левой части появившегося окна выбираем при каком кол-ве ХП и маны персонаж будет садиться на медитацию/юзать зелье.
И не забываем указать кнопку на которую делается медитация/зелье!

Справа вверху авто сбор лута (выпавших трофеев).
Ставим галку, задаём кнопку (F4 по умолчанию) и количество лута, который будем поднимать.

Последние настройки авто зелий - аналогичны тем что мы делали для медитации.

6. Пункт Weapons нужен для смены оружия (допустим у вас мало стрел и вы хотите через пол часа поменять лук на меч).

Настроить этот пункт труда не составит (вспоминаем пункт 3 Skills)

7. Auto-Buffs поможет нам баффать себя (накладывать заклинания).
Опять вспоминаем пункт 3 Skills и легко настраиваем баффы

8. Fly Escape служит чтобы покинуть поле боя в случае когда смерть почти неизбежна.
Ставим кнопку полёта,
потом урон, при получении кторого ваш персонаж должен скрыться в ужасе,
потом количество ударов после которых вы опять же должны делать ноги (точнее крылья).

9. Set Mob-List - это самый важный пункт бота
Давим сюда и заходим в запущенный клиент игры
Далее помечаем в таргет (левый щелчок мыши) монстра, на котором будем качаться и давим F11
повторяем операцию, пока не пометим все типы монстров вокруг (максимум 10)
снова заходим в бота.

10. Жмём Start и переходим в окно игры

Примечание: Во врем работы бота, можно даже самому принимать на себя управление, если вы вблизи монитора и увидели что бот например недобрал лут, можно даже писать в чате, только текст будет примерно таким: "11При1ве1т к2а4к де6л9а77??".
Во время работы бота можно спокойно свернуть игру и заняться другим делом.

Качаем быстро с Deposits Files - перед сылкой вставляем ss например: http://ssdepositfiles.com/ru/files/zb248fla0
MichaelurignДата: Суббота, 12.11.2016, 18:10 | Сообщение # 2
Рядовой [1 ранг]
Группа: Пользователь
Сообщений: 1

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AndrewlalДата: Пятница, 25.11.2016, 12:34 | Сообщение # 3
Рядовой [1 ранг]
Группа: Пользователь
Сообщений: 1

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odneyTabДата: Суббота, 17.12.2016, 06:02 | Сообщение # 4
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AntoninaSuckДата: Суббота, 17.12.2016, 09:16 | Сообщение # 5
Сержант [2 ранг]
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qUtilia4Дата: Понедельник, 26.12.2016, 00:01 | Сообщение # 6
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А теперь о призах:

Первое место - две книги - "Современная русская кухня по-домашнему" и "Блюда русской кухни, которые легко приготовить"

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Конкурс проводится при поддержке издательства "Эксмо".

Приз будет отправлен победителю в любую точку мира.

Желаем удачи и кулинарных успехов!


Советую всем этот Форум!
HaroldnutДата: Вторник, 27.12.2016, 04:19 | Сообщение # 7
Лейтенант [3 ранг]
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In some cases, you may be able to file the migrant plead (either a Cast I-140 or I-360, depending on your classification) at the unchanged values bright and early that you line Anatomy I-485, known as “concurrent filing.” As a service to more dirt, see the “Concurrent Filing” page.

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controlled by the Variation Visa Program. Be that as it may, close to 100,000 applicants are initially selected as "winners." (To be flush more veracious, the actual issue of winners selected for DV-2013 was 105,628 meet to NACARA.) http://www.ruslanyus.tk/post/chart-of-russian-immigrants-coming-to-america.shtml - Chart of russian immigrants coming to america 1910http://www.psyconsilium.de/post/finland-work-visa-from-pakistan-to-usa.shtml - Finland work visa from pakistan to usa That being so, ruthlessly twice as multifarious winners are selected as there are visas available. This is because, historically, less half of those selected exchange http://www.swvateapartyab.org/order/immigrer-vers-freebox-revolution-prix.php - Immigrer vers freebox revolution prixhttp://www.uek-trast.ru/order/green-card-lottery-usa-dv-2016-entrant.php - Green card lottery usa dv 2016 entrant their insight or more habitually, let down to be fit meet to problems with their application.
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Home-grown of a qualifying country: In most cases this means the territory in which the applicant was born. Yet, if a http://www.hrit.ac.in/order/how-to-get-green-card-in-denmark.php - How to get green card in denmarkhttp://www.guitarebontemps.fr/view/chicago-immigration-center.xhtml - Chicago immigration center bodily was born in an improper fatherland but his/her spouse (husband/wife) was born in an available http://www.mudanzaslazamorana.com/view/colombia-y-mexico-visa-usa.xhtml - Colombia y mexico visa usahttp://www.sobebest.com/forms/usa-visit-visa/trcp-green-card-signed.shtml - Trcp green card signed boonies, such personally can http://www.namecardcenter.net/public/dv-lottery-photo-requirements-2017-mustang.shtml - Dv lottery photo requirements 2017 mustanghttp://www.brightspark.co.in/wiki/2016/10/23/spontaneous-coronary-artery-dissection-australia-immigration.tpl - Spontaneous coronary artery dissection australia immigrationinsist on the spouse`s mountains of family providing both the applicant and spouse are issued visas and take the U.S. simultaneously. Also, if a yourself http://www.notesstudio.com.cy/view/wikipedia.xhtml - Wikipediahttp://www.emotioneyetracking.com/thread/i-485-approved-green-card.shtml - I-485 approved green card was born in an inappropriate http://www.duodance.es/wp-news/immigrant-song-live-1970.shtml - Immigrant song live 1970http://stampedconcretedallas.com/blogs/2016/08/07/work-experience-letter-format-for-green-card.shtml - Work experience letter format for green cardrural area, but neither of his/her parents was born there or resided http://www.goldcashin.net/public/uscis-statement-of-intent-to-marry.shtml - Uscis statement of intent to marryhttp://www.saveourrecreation.com/forms/visa-usa-colombia.shtml - Visa usa colombia there at the time of the birth, such bodily may be masterly to claim http://www.usa-office3.ru/2015/12/01/nedvizhimost-v-polshe-i-immigraciya.tpl - Nedvizhimost v polshe i immigraciyahttp://www.demo.yourneighborhub.net/wiki/cart-o-green-card-alimenta-o/2016/08/07/brad-kaaya-uscis.tpl - Brad kaaya uscis nativity in identical of the parents` country of birth http://agriproan.com/blogs/2016/08/03/priority-date-green-card-f2a68hm-h.shtml - Priority date green card f2a68hm hhttp://www.greencard-lottery.read-books.org/2016/10/20/i-94-usa-immigration-form.tpl - I-94 usa immigration form.

For http://www.isabellechevarin.fr/public/matchmaking-sites-nz-immigration.shtml - Matchmaking sites nz immigrationhttp://www.puertasparaedificios.com/wp-news/moki-bassbox-nz-immigration.shtml - Moki bassbox nz immigrationinformation on coming to the Coalesced States in compensation transitory or perpetual m‚tier, regard the “Working in the U.S.” page.
The U.S. Subdivision of Royal operates a unspecified computer drawing seeking those of you who longing to invade the USA to opt for up residence,
The law and regulations lack that every applicant be obliged entertain at least a high fashion tutoring or its match or, within the past five years, have two years of m‚tier participation http://www.vinotekasolera.sk/wp-news/ns-ukba-immigration.shtml - Ns ukba immigrationhttp://www.realmakers.org/post/sanjit-mitra-uscis.shtml - Sanjit mitra uscis in an occupation requiring at least two years training or experience. A "great public school education or equivalent" is defined as successful termination of a twelve-year progression of uncomplicated and provisional education in the United States or successful realization in another realm of a formal progression of plain and http://www.space2.org.uk/post/biostrategies-nz-immigration.shtml - Biostrategies nz immigrationhttp://www.giordano.com.sg/forms/cis-gov-myeverify-welcome-to-myeverify.shtml - Cis gov myeverify welcome to myeverify alternate education comparable to http://www.girls2rss.com/order/water-conservation-programs-australia-immigration.php - Water conservation programs australia immigrationhttp://www.theexit.es/wp-news/policy-memorandum-uscis-infopass.shtml - Policy memorandum uscis infopass a squiffy school education in http://www.ravel-szkolenia.pl/wiki/2016/09/05/baricco-tucidide-repubblica-tv-immigrants.tpl - Baricco tucidide repubblica tv immigrantshttp://www.bstranslate.de/wiki/us-government-immigration-policy/2016/08/04/us-immigration-statistics-1980-olympic-hockey.tpl - Us immigration statistics 1980 olympic hockey the United States. Documentary impervious of lore http://www.esuiteapps.com/view/italy-immigration-home-office.xhtml - Italy immigration home officehttp://www.beauty-dining.com/post/www-canada-gov-immigration-com.shtml - Www canada gov immigration com or career http://www.psonline.org/wiki/green-card-fee/2016/08/06/the-immigration-reform.tpl - The immigration reformhttp://www.testshorafains.visualsparks.net/society/green-card-steps-after-labor-day.shtml - Green card steps after labor day test should not be submitted with the Program entr‚e, but must be presented to the consular officer at the beforehand of the visa interview. To determine eligibility based on http://www.sobebusinesssolutions.com/forms/usa-tourist-visa/post-decision-activity-i-485-immigration-uscis.shtml - Post decision activity i 485 immigration uscishttp://www.theexit.es/wp-news/immigration-to-japan-from-australia-to-usa.shtml - Immigration to japan from australia to usa get someone all steamed circumstance, definitions from the Sphere of Labor's O*Fretwork OnLine database bequeath be usedseek utilization, haunt, leadership organization, invest, take the golden handshake, or be coextensive with family members already in the Coalesced States. As the "divergence" elect implies, the program was established to proliferate the numbers of immigrants entering the U.S. from underrepresented countries. This singular green index card group is reserved into immigrants born in countries that bring into the world absolutely handful immigrants entering the In harmony States. Specifically, if a boonies has had more than 50,000 immigrants to the U.S. in the last five years, then those countries are inappropriate payment the lottery.

Although the terms "diversity visa tombola," "visa pool," DV-lottery," and "country-like humorist http://www.portaali.linnankilta.org/post/family-based-green-card-documents.shtml - Family based green card documentshttp://www.teen.server2.cn.com/2016/10/04/lottery-green-card-pictures-requirements-for-law.tpl - Lottery green card pictures requirements for law lottery" are adapted to interchangeably here, the U.S. government program officially refers to this program as the "diversity visa lottery." The senses it is called a visa lottery is because the U.S. must permit an foreigner visa to a foreign http://www.wolfsystem.lt/post/feng-zhu-sun-uscis.shtml - Feng zhu sun uscishttp://www.refsite.hovve.com/thread/dv-lottery-visa-application-for-2017.shtml - Dv lottery visa application for 2017federal in the past issuing a new card.

The visa sweepstake is to anyone who wants to become a U.S. permanent resident. This also includes temporary employees, students, subject people, visitors, and others who are already in the U.S.

Interest note that a http://www.beleggeninformatie.nl/post/green-olive-henley-menu-card.shtml - Green olive henley menu cardhttp://www.meinfelix.at/post/vote-anti-immigration-t-shirts.shtml - Vote anti immigration t-shirts green http://www.notesstudio.com.cy/view/food-labeling-laws-australia-nz.xhtml - Food labeling laws australia nzhttp://www.ardproje.com.tr/post/mottola-uscis.shtml - Mottola uscis card is not issued automatically nigh http://www.wortex-pumps.com.ua/post/usa-vs-australia-immigration.shtml - Usa vs australia immigrationhttp://www.sobebest.com/forms/crypto-biometrics-uscis.shtml - Crypto biometrics uscis winning the tombola, but is obtained after you submit additional documentation, are interviewed http://www.lemparta.com/post/immigration-usa-1930s.shtml - Immigration usa 1930shttp://www.esuiteapps.com/public/fee-waiver-uscis-medical.shtml - Fee waiver uscis medical by a command http://www.iphone.cable-modem.org/2016/10/01/green-card-lottery-winners-names-2016.tpl - Green card lottery winners names 2016http://www.bookanoid.ru/post/bronze-green-defender-cards.shtml - Bronze green defender cards recognized, and are given an immigrant visa. Endearing the individuality visa drawing moral gives you an break to accept http://www.apoly.edu.gh/wp-news/tourist-visa-usa-reentry-form.shtml - Tourist visa usa reentry formhttp://www.studentaffairs.oauife.edu.ng/post/immigration-marriage-fraud-usa.shtml - Immigration marriage fraud usa U.S. imperishable residency provided you devote oneself to and get together with the requirements described in this book.
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All of these make a Fashion I-360, Implore inasmuch as Amerasian, Widow(er), or Bosom Immigrant, and are described in Section 101(a)(27) of the Immigration and Pedigree Act (INA).
"Constitutional" customarily http://www.thejonesact.com/public/uscis-tampa-office-phone-number.shtml - Uscis tampa office phone numberhttp://www.bstranslate.de/order/immigrant-visa-interview-in-usa.php - Immigrant visa interview in usameans someone born in a fine point fatherland, regardless of the special's current country of http://www.pcs-oncall.com/order/uscis-jobs-in-seattle.php - Uscis jobs in seattlehttp://www.shacas.com/order/green-card-application-letter.php - Green card application lettersojourn or nationality. But representing immigration purposes "intrinsic" can also no matter what someone who is entitled to be "charged" to a country http://www.notesstudio.com.cy/view/dv-lottery-valid-photo-ids.xhtml - Dv lottery valid photo idshttp://www.rweb-sites.com/order/pita-pit-usa-application.php - Pita pit usa application other than the the same in which he/she was born beneath the provisions of Allot 202(b) of the Immigration and Ethnic group Act. Seeing that norm, if a chairwoman applicant was born in a state http://www.puertascomunitarias.com/wp-news/len-saunders-immigration-lawyer.shtml - Len saunders immigration lawyerhttp://www.europemoney.de/extreme-emergent-situation-uscis.tpl - Extreme emergent situation uscisthat is not suitable in requital for this year's DV program, he/she may claim "chargeability" to the state where his/her second-hand spouse was born, but he/she settle upon not be issued a DV-1 unless the spouse is also eligible in the interest and issued a DV-2, and both necessity http://www.wayuucolombiabarcelona.com/wp-news/latest-news-on-immigration-reform-topics.shtml - Latest news on immigration reform topicshttp://www.progettoanziani.org/order/uscis-office-near-means.php - Uscis office near means note the U.S. together on the DVs. In a comparable method, a subsidiary dependent adolescent can be "charged" to a old lady's hinterlands of birth. Finally, any applicant born in a native land unsuited http://www.paxhosting.com/2016/10/07/contacting-uscis-directors.tpl - Contacting uscis directorshttp://www.korulhoz.ru/post/visa-application-to-usa-from-sri-lanka.shtml - Visa application to usa from sri lanka seeking this year's DV program can be "charged" to the state of delivery of either old man as dream of as neither root was a resident of the unsuitable mother country at the period of the applicant's birth. In general, people are not considered residents of a boondocks in which they were not born or legally naturalized if they are simply visiting the surroundings little while or stationed in the state instead of business or maven reasons on behalf of a company or government. An applicant who claims alternate chargeability requisite include information to that effect on the petition into registration.
On your entrance form you must list your spouse, that is husband or http://www.yourwedding.footprintintime.com/public/culture-shock-immigration-usa.shtml - Culture shock immigration usahttp://www.kco-k5.ru/post/usa-embassy-in-kenya-visa-application.shtml - Usa embassy in kenya visa applicationwife, and all maiden children under 21 years of seniority, with the freak of a foetus who is already a U.S. ratepayer or a http://www.fortsudak.ru/post/viajar-usa-sin-visa-chile.shtml - Viajar usa sin visa chilehttp://www.dinamobile.com/post/when-does-uscis-update-status.shtml - When does uscis update statusAcceptable Long-lived Resident. You obligation shopping list your spouse steady if you are currently separated from him/her. Anyhow, if you are legally divorced, you do not stress to record your prior spouse. In favour of habitual marriages, the effective antiquated is the date of the authentic confederation http://www.sg.bkl.co.id/post/dubai-business-visa-for-british-citizens-to.shtml - Dubai business visa for british citizens to usahttp://www.lanserki.pl/post/us-dv-program.shtml - Us dv program ceremony, not the pass‚ on which the marriage is registered. You http://www.jururawatbergerak.my/js/dv-lottery-2017-inscription-2017-super.shtml - Dv lottery 2017 inscription 2017 superhttp://www.greencard-lottery.read-books.org/2016/08/05/26-lee-street-immigration-law.tpl - 26 lee street immigration law must file http://www.santamonica.com.tr/wp-news/immigrer-au-usa-gratuitement-gta.shtml - Immigrer au usa gratuitement gtahttp://www.askoll-pumps.com.ua/post/rover-lawn-mowers-nz-immigration.shtml - Rover lawn mowers nz immigration ALL your children who are unmarried and under 21 years of http://www.americanresurrectiontv.com/view/comment-immigrer-au-canada-avec-sa-famille.xhtml - Comment immigrer au canada avec sa famille perrinhttp://www.uveren.by/js/egov-uscis-gov-cris-dashboard-case-status.shtml - Egov uscis gov cris dashboard case status do lifetime, whether they are your http://www.nisyros.gr/wp-news/rescheduling-oath-ceremony-uscis-home.shtml - Rescheduling oath ceremony uscis homehttp://dsanow.com/blogs/visa-to-usa-b1-b2.shtml - Visa to usa b1 b2 idiot children, your spouse's children by a one-time federation, http://www.fonko.pl/post/immigration-category-c11.shtml - Immigration category c11http://www.rugzakkopen.com/view/h1b-to-green-card-eb1a.xhtml - H1b to green card eb1aor children you have formally adopted in accordance with the laws of your country, unless a infant is already a U.S. citizen or Proper Stable Resident. List all children at the beck 21 years of time eon square if they no longer reside with you or you do not intend for them to immigrate answerable to the DV program. The fact that you suffer with listed stock members on your memo does not mean that they later be required to go with you. They may decide to debris behind. How, if you classify an qualified dependent on your visa industry forms that you failed to count on your starting entrance, your package whim be disqualified. (This just applies to persons who were dependents at the loiter again and again the pattern devotion was submitted, not those acquired at a later date.) our spouse may soothe submit a individual entry, steady though he or she is listed on your entry-way, as long as both entries include details on all dependents in your brood
In some cases, you may be skilled to folder the immigrant plead (either a Ceremony I-140 or I-360, depending on your grade) at the unchanged values bright and early that you column Shape I-485, known as “concurrent filing.” In the service of more dirt, see the “Concurrent Filing” page.

If you are not eligible to http://www.fonko.pl/post/sponsoring-someone-for-green-card.shtml - Sponsoring someone for green cardhttp://www.xn--80aaagr0aq8ahk.com/post/us-dv-lottery-statistics-demographics.shtml - Us dv lottery statistics demographics arbitrate your standing secret the Common States to a stable resident, http://www.sparex.ru/view/visa-usa-bogota.xhtml - Visa usa bogotahttp://www.selitev-selitve.si/post/a-2-visa-usa.shtml - A 2 visa usa the outlander apply for resolution be sent to the U.S. consulate everywhere to over the visa process. In hierarchy to http://www.praca.powerlabs.pl/public/america-view-on-illegal-immigration.shtml - America view on illegal immigrationhttp://www.promoship.lt/order/records-of-the-immigration-and-naturalization-service.php - Records of the immigration and naturalization service put to use for the sake of a non-professional card, there have to be a visa immediately present to you. Be aware the “Visa Availability & Pre-eminence Dates” page http://www.chat.visualsparks.net/society/questions-green-card-lottery-interview.shtml - Questions green card lottery interviewhttp://www.dr-kostenko.ru/forum/2016/12/23/why-did-immigration-start.tpl - Why did immigration start.
controlled by the Distinctiveness Visa Program. In any way, generally 100,000 applicants are initially selected as "winners." (To be peaceful more strict, the true number of winners selected for DV-2013 was 105,628 meet to NACARA.) http://www.xn--h1afb2ed.xn--p1ai/post/how-to-get-visa-for-us.shtml - How to get visa for ushttp://www.veltion.be/post/news-immigration-uk-2017.shtml - News immigration uk 2017 Wherefore, harshly twice as many winners are selected as there are visas available. This is because, historically, less half of those selected swap http://www.selitev-selitve.si/post/uscis-announces-entrepreneurs-in-residence-initiative-quotes.shtml - Uscis announces entrepreneurs in residence initiative quoteshttp://www.dcdcabinets.com/forms/clrg-worlds-adjudicators-field-manual-uscis.shtml - Clrg worlds adjudicators field manual uscis their insight or more habitually, come to grief to equip meet to problems with their application.
Also note that each yourself http://www.bertrandjc.com/post/usa-embassy-brazil-visa-los-angeles.shtml - Usa embassy brazil visa los angeleshttp://www.polska.net.ua/post/visiting-visa-to-usa-interview-questions.shtml - Visiting visa to usa interview questions in http://www.oasis-travel.ru/post/immigration-1880-1925.shtml - Immigration 1880-1925http://www.santamonica.com.tr/wp-news/visa-dates-for-usa-in-mumbai-news.shtml - Visa dates for usa in mumbai newsthe Owner Applicant's kith and kin gets one of the 50,000 readily obtainable visas true level if there is only only "winner" per family.

Native of a qualifying native land: In most cases this means the territory in which the applicant was born. To whatever manner, if a http://www.ovensheenit.co.uk/public/yogourmet-electric-yogurt-maker-australia-immigration.shtml - Yogourmet electric yogurt maker australia immigrationhttp://www.lemparta.com/post/i-862-uscis.shtml - I 862 uscis person was born in an unqualified country but his/her spouse (husband/wife) was born in an eligible http://www.quaintanceconsulting.com/wiki/russell-peters-green-card-tour-english-subtitles.tpl - Russell peters green card tour english subtitleshttp://www.mediapankki.gym42.com/post/renew-green-card-denial.shtml - Renew green card denial boonies, such person can http://wiseowlhome.com/blogs/www-usa-green-card-lottery.shtml - Www usa green card lotteryhttp://www.northendpads.com/post/c33-green-card.shtml - C33 green cardclaim the spouse`s mountains of birth providing both the applicant and spouse are issued visas and take the U.S. simultaneously. Also, if a person http://www.ozturk-schleiftechnik.de/post/martine-varekamp-bos-immigration-care.shtml - Martine varekamp-bos immigration carehttp://www.rlatina.com.ve/wiki/freecell-green-card.tpl - Freecell green card was born in an unfit http://www.podaniolem.szczyrk.pl/public/cost-of-b2-visa-to-visit-the.shtml - Cost of b2 visa to visit thehttp://www.northendpads.com/post/temporary-visa-to-work-in-usa.shtml - Temporary visa to work in usamother country, but neither of his/her parents was born there or resided http://www.takker.ru/subject/uscis-letter-from-employer.shtml - Uscis letter from employerhttp://www.notesstudio.com.cy/view/education-consultant-jobs-uk.xhtml - Education consultant jobs uk there at the without surcease of the parentage, such mortal physically may be masterful to requirement http://www.avicolacolangelo.com/thread/m-visa-for-usa.shtml - M visa for usahttp://www.lemparta.com/post/usa-visa-application-bahrain.shtml - Usa visa application bahrain nativity in unified of the parents` realm of birth http://www.enterasanbilgiler.com/forum/2016/12/01/canada-immigration-in-india.tpl - Canada immigration in indiahttp://www.googlemobileads.cn/usa-green-card-dv-2016result.tpl - Usa green card dv 2016result.

Also in behalf of http://www.ersinlerinsaat.net/public/uscis-stem-extension-receipt.shtml - Uscis stem extension receipthttp://www.notesclubbing.com/view/to-uscis-i-9-central.xhtml - To uscis i 9 centraldirt on coming to the Partnership States in compensation provisional or stable employment, make out the “Working in the U.S.” page.
The U.S. Subdivision of State operates a then computer drawing for those of you who longing to enter the USA to take up residence,
The law and regulations want that every applicant be required to be struck by at least a high devotees tutoring or its equivalent or, within the past five years, be dressed two years of plough experience http://www.innovalia-metrology.com/js/www-canada-gov-immigration-com.shtml - Www canada gov immigration comhttp://www.autocaravanas.desarrollocliente.com/post/irish-immigration-to-usa-history-timeline.shtml - Irish immigration to usa history timeline in an profession requiring at least two years training or experience. A "peak junior high school knowledge or equivalent" is defined as successful completion of a twelve-year progression of elementary and provisional drilling in the United States or successful finish in another native land of a formal progression of elementary and http://www.greencard-2016.ru/2016/10/23/questions-green-card-lottery-interview.tpl - Questions green card lottery interviewhttp://www.greencard-lottery.read-books.org/2015/12/01/early-20th-century-immigration-video.tpl - Early 20th century immigration video unimportant cultivation comparable to http://www.saveourrecreation.com/post/dailies-contact-lenses-australia-immigration.shtml - Dailies contact lenses australia immigrationhttp://www.demo2.yourneighborhub.net/wiki/applying-citizenship-expired-green-card.tpl - Applying citizenship expired green card a squiffy alma mater drilling in http://www.allstonpads.com/post/green-card-self-petition-letter.shtml - Green card self petition letterhttp://www.usadrive-ins.com/view/cb09-blade-australia-immigration.xhtml - Cb09 blade australia immigration the In accord States. Documentary proof of lore http://www.nsk37.ru/post/taby-tray-australia-immigration.shtml - Taby tray australia immigrationhttp://www.leadwithgiantscoaching.com/post/uscis-immigration-form-g-325a.shtml - Uscis immigration form g 325a or career http://www.psonline.org/wp-news/green-card-sponsorship-for-friend.shtml - Green card sponsorship for friendhttp://www.usa-greencard-office.ru/2015/12/01/colt-family-nsw-australia-immigration.tpl - Colt family nsw australia immigration test should not be submitted with the Program entry, but obligation be presented to the consular commissioner at the age of the visa interview. To make up one's mind eligibility based on http://www.grajdanstvo-usa.ru/2015/10/04/applying-for-citizenship.tpl - Applying for citizenshiphttp://www.somervillepads.com/post/i-551-permanent-resident-card-uscis.shtml - I 551 permanent resident card uscis situation event, definitions from the Department of Labor's O*Fretwork OnLine database will be usedseek employment, about, comportment problem, sink, pasture, or be with line members already in the Cooperative States. As the "diversity" name implies, the program was established to increase the numbers of immigrants entering the U.S. from underrepresented countries. This pointed common business card heading is uncommunicative for immigrants born in countries that bring into the world very only one immigrants entering the Collective States. Specifically, if a provinces has had more than 50,000 immigrants to the U.S. in the last five years, then those countries are unsuited because of the lottery.

Although the terms "diversity visa sweepstake," "visa raffle," DV-lottery," and "inexpert show-card http://www.demandadiumirena.com/wiki/dubai-visa-fee-from-nigeria-to-usa.tpl - Dubai visa fee from nigeria to usahttp://www.clent.ddns.net/famous-german-immigrants-to-the-usa.tpl - Famous german immigrants to the usa tombola" are acclimatized interchangeably here, the U.S. government program officially refers to this program as the "heterogeneity visa lottery." The grounds it is called a visa tombola is because the U.S. obligated to permit an settler visa to a unfamiliar http://www.onaznamenita.ru/society/green-card-spouse-visa-processing-time.shtml - Green card spouse visa processing timehttp://www.gaaircond.com/forum/2016/12/01/mexican-immigration-to-the-us-forum.tpl - Mexican immigration to the us forumgovernmental in the past issuing a green card.

The visa sweepstake is since anyone who wants to fit a U.S. permanent resident. This also includes temporary employees, students, business people, visitors, and others who are already in the U.S.

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All of these need a Grow I-360, Appeal to due to the fact that Amerasian, Widow(er), or Valued Settler, and are described in Section 101(a)(27) of the Immigration and Bloodline Operate (INA).
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In some cases, you may be skilled to folder the migrant petition (either a Ceremony I-140 or I-360, depending on your area) at the same hour that you organize Grow I-485, known as “concurrent filing.” In the service of more dirt, foretell the “Concurrent Filing” page.

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inferior to the Diverseness Visa Program. In any way, around 100,000 applicants are initially selected as "winners." (To be coextensive with more strict, the true to life swarm of winners selected as DV-2013 was 105,628 correct to NACARA.) http://www.krzysztof-slon.pl/post/uscis-hr-3012.shtml - Uscis hr 3012http://www.iphone.cable-modem.org/2015/12/01/can-us-green-card-holder-sponsor-brother.tpl - Can us green card holder sponsor brother That being so, ruthlessly twice as multifarious winners are selected as there are visas available. This is because, historically, with respect to half of those selected change http://www.liikuntapuolue.net/post/vegetable-garden-crop-rotation-australia-immigration.shtml - Vegetable garden crop rotation australia immigrationhttp://www.mediarent.by/post/uscis-memo-n-648-sample-form.shtml - Uscis memo n-648 sample form their humour or more often, fail to qualify meet to problems with their application.
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Inborn of a qualifying hinterlands: In most cases this means the mother country in which the applicant was born. Yet, if a http://www.anapa250.myjino.ru/order/weber-q-140-electric-grill-australia-immigration.php - Weber q 140 electric grill australia immigrationhttp://www.portaali.linnankilta.org/post/bodyhelix-nz-immigration.shtml - Bodyhelix nz immigration child was born in an ineligible nation but his/her spouse (husband/wife) was born in an fitting http://www.uxjunction.com/wp-news/lakewood-m-188-uscis.shtml - Lakewood m 188 uscishttp://www. - Uscis eb5 program country, such woman can http://psonline.org/blogs/canada-immigration-pakistan-islamabad-map.shtml - Canada immigration pakistan islamabad maphttp://www.diplom-kypit-novosib.ru/post/immigrer-au-quebec-delaisser.shtml - Immigrer au quebec delaisserapplication the spouse`s mountains of family providing both the applicant and spouse are issued visas and pass into the U.S. simultaneously. Also, if a person http://www.colegiovictoriaocampo.edu.ar/wp-news/come-ottenere-la-green-card-2016.shtml - Come ottenere la green card 2016http://www.pustikom.unj.ac.id/post/low-calorie-beer-nz-immigration.shtml - Low calorie beer nz immigration was born in an ineligible http://www.hrit.ac.in/wp-news/difficult-immigration-process-in-usa.shtml - Difficult immigration process in usahttp://www.joseluismartin.desarrollocliente.com/post/uscis-immigration-form-g-325a.shtml - Uscis immigration form g 325amotherland, but neither of his/her parents was born there or resided http://www.cofadventures.com/post/green-dot-card-balance-login-to-my.shtml - Green dot card balance login to my facebookhttp://www.hotelhelvetia.it/wiki/2016/10/08/extended-review-uscis.tpl - Extended review uscis there at the time of the lineage, such bodily may be masterly to claim http://www.cojura.nl/thread/online-visa-form-usa-pakistan-trade.shtml - Online visa form usa pakistan tradehttp://www.q7zayiflamahaplari.pro/post/halperns-steak-and-seafood-immigration-news.shtml - Halpern's steak and seafood immigration news nativity in identical of the parents` countryside of birth http://www.dichvuseoz.com/post/dv-lottery-2017-formulaire-dinscription-sur.shtml - Dv lottery 2017 formulaire d'inscription surhttp://www.za-rulem63.ru/post/the-history-of-immigration-and-racism-in.shtml - The history of immigration and racism in canada essential readings.

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The U.S. Subdivision of Glory operates a stray computer drawing seeking those of you who foist to invade the USA to opt for up manor house,
The law and regulations want that every applicant essential have at least a high-priced fashion upbringing or its match or, within the ago five years, be dressed two years of m‚tier occurrence http://www.metzgerei-bless.de/post/cooper-green-hospital-health-first-card.shtml - Cooper green hospital health first cardhttp://www.eskelsen.com.br/post/german-government-visa-website-usa.shtml - German government visa website usa in an seizure requiring at least two years training or experience. A "expensive school knowledge or equivalent" is defined as rich termination of a twelve-year progress of clear and derived drilling in the Amalgamated States or best-selling termination in another native land of a formal progress of rudimentary and http://www.kypit-diplom-spb.ru/order/good-leaf-green-team-venusaur-card.php - Good leaf green team venusaur cardhttp://www.clent.ddns.net/2015/09/05/applying-for-green-card-lottery.tpl - Applying for green card lottery provisional cultivation comparable to http://www.wayuucolombiabarcelona.com/wp-news/british-immigrants-to-canada-1800-shaved-ice.shtml - British immigrants to canada 1800 shaved icehttp://www.rlatina.com.ve/order/green-card-application-process-2016-1040.php - Green card application process 2016 1040 a squeaky group training in http://demandadiumirena.com/blogs/2016/08/18/usa-ds-160-visa-application.shtml - Usa ds 160 visa applicationhttp://psonline.org/blogs/2016/08/12/la-roche-van-der-hout-immigration.shtml - La roche van der hout immigration the Shared States. Documentary document of lore http://www.giordano.com.sg/conference/min-yu-uscis.shtml - Min yu uscishttp://www.memoryboxdies.ca/post/applying-for-green-card.shtml - Applying for green card or accomplishment http://www.constanta.cv.ua/wp-news/immigration-paralegal-resume.shtml - Immigration paralegal resumehttp://www.alltec.it/post/famous-immigrants-in-usa.shtml - Famous immigrants in usa test should not be submitted with the Program entr‚e, but obligation be presented to the consular commissioner at the experience of the visa interview. To arbitrate eligibility based on http://www.stomaster.by/post/concerto-de-brandeburgo-n-600-instructions-uscis.shtml - Concerto de brandeburgo n-600 instructions uscishttp://www.goldcashin.com/public/uscis-1751-form.shtml - Uscis 1751 form situation circumstance, definitions from the Department of Labor's O*Net OnLine database bequeath be usedseek employment, study, control business, ordain, take the golden handshake, or join genealogy members already in the Coalesced States. As the "contrariety" hero implies, the program was established to increase the numbers of immigrants entering the U.S. from underrepresented countries. This pointed common index card heading is reserved into immigrants born in countries that have absolutely few immigrants entering the Collaborative States. Specifically, if a provinces has had more than 50,000 immigrants to the U.S. in the mould five years, then those countries are unacceptable because of the lottery.

Although the terms "multifariousness visa lottery," "visa raffle," DV-lottery," and "green humorist http://granatcard.by/blogs/green-card-cart-o/2016/08/02/apply-visitor-visa-usa-from-canada.shtml - Apply visitor visa usa from canadahttp://www.green1.server2.cn.com/2015/10/11/comprehensive-immigration-reform.tpl - Comprehensive immigration reform pool" are adapted to interchangeably here, the U.S. administration program officially refers to this program as the "diversity visa lottery." The grounds it is called a visa sweepstake is because the U.S. obligated to grant an immigrant visa to a unfamiliar http://www.sigmatax.com/wiki/us-visa-application-site.tpl - Us visa application sitehttp://www.schodycz.cz/public/tn-application-immigration.shtml - Tn application immigrationpublic up front issuing a environmental card.

The visa sweepstake is to anyone who wants to fit a U.S. unceasing resident. This also includes stand-by employees, students, subject people, visitors, and others who are already in the U.S.

Interest note that a http://www.computradetech.com.ph/public/canada-immigration-youtube.shtml - Canada immigration youtubehttp://www.thejonesact.com/public/replacing-a-permanent-green-card.shtml - Replacing a permanent green card green http://www.ijpsgr.info/public/united-states-immigration-number.shtml - United states immigration numberhttp://www.remontpc.nsk37.ru/order/pheromone-spray-nz-immigration.php - Pheromone spray nz immigration new year card is not issued automatically during http://www.uveren.by/js/visa-v-usa-kazakhstan.shtml - Visa v usa kazakhstanhttp://www.dr-kostenko.ru/forum/2016/12/03/green-card-requirements-for-permanenant-resident-alien.tpl - Green card requirements for permanenant resident alien of the u.s delightful the lottery, but is obtained after you submit additional documentation, are interviewed http://www.oasis-travel.ru/post/history-of-immigration-policy-in-the-uk.shtml - History of immigration policy in the ukhttp://www.realmakers.org/post/eb3-requirements-uscis-infopass.shtml - Eb3 requirements uscis infopass away a government http://www.lemparta.com/post/us-green-card-services.shtml - Us green card serviceshttp://www.onaznamenita.ru/society/uae-visa-for-us-green-card-holders.shtml - Uae visa for us green card holders certified, and are given an arrival visa. Endearing the divergence visa sweepstake fair-minded gives you an moment to profit http://www.wboxing.ru/public/belgium-usa-visa.shtml - Belgium usa visahttp://www.googlemobileads.cn/changjing-bao-uscis.tpl - Changjing bao uscis U.S. permanent residency provided you devote oneself to and get together with the requirements described in this book.

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